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Major: Marketing with a minor in Psychology Hobbies and Interests: I am a certified scuba diver. Favorite Quote: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it” -Ferris Bueller
Gabriel Martin
University of Maine
Major: Finance Hobbies and Interests: I used to sing often in my younger years. Now it's very seldom that I do, but I still love to sing some days. Favorite Quote: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” - Oscar Wilde
Brittany Ogden
University of Maine
Major: Marketing Hobbies and Interests: Being outside, playing pickleball, and traveling Favorite Quote: “How we spend our days is how we spend our lives." - Annie Dillard
Brooke Phillips
Thomas College
Major: Business Administration with a minor in Marketing Hobbies and Interests: Spending time with family and friends and doing anything active outside - hiking, biking, paddle boarding, or going for walks. Favorite Quote: “A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset" - John Geiger
Bangor Savings Bank is an equal opportunity employer.