Put your money to work for you by maximizing your hard-earned cash with the Business Companion Money Market. A perfect complement to your business or organization’s checking account with Bangor Savings Bank.
Tiers | Rates |
< $5,000 | 0.00% APY2 |
$5,000 - $99,999.99 | 3.00% APY2 |
$100,000 or more | 4.00% APY2 |
To qualify for the Business Companion Money Market Account, a Bangor Savings Bank checking account for your business or organization is required, and only newly deposited funds are eligible.3
Find your local New Hampshire branch. With branches spread across Amherst, Colebrook, Concord, Manchester, and Portsmouth, you can find us easily throughout the state.
1 Daily limits may apply. See Important Information About Your Account at bangor.com/disclosures.
2 Business Companion Money Market Account is a tiered-rate account. Your interest rate and annual percentage yield (APY) is accurate as of 4/4/24. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account. We reserve the right to change the interest rate on your account at any time. Must maintain a minimum balance of $5,000 to accrue interest.
3 Business Companion Money Market Account eligibility requirements: A Bangor Savings Bank business checking account is required to open this account. If a business checking account is not maintained, the Business Companion Money Market will convert to BSB’s current Market Rate account. Minimum deposit to open is $5,000. Opening deposit funds must be from a source other than funds already on deposit with Bangor Savings Bank. A $25 fee will be charged if account is closed within 90 days from account opening.
4 For certain international ATM withdrawals, due to technical limitations, we will automatically reimburse $3.00 of an ATM fee charged within three (3) business days. In those instances where the fee exceeds $3.00, please bring your ATM transaction receipt to any Bangor Savings Bank branch for the remaining reimbursement.